Custom development

Software solutions entirely adjusted to user needs.

Business processes

Your partner in the developing solutions and custom programming.

Internet of Things

Smart IoT solutions with smart information platform SMIP.


Project SMIP.EU – a new step for Slovenian IoT platform SMIP

Objavljeno : 22 June, 2017

Slovenian IoT platform SMIP has acquired European funds for the further development of advanced functionalities in the field of energy efficiency management.

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e-Services for Citizens at the Conference IJU 2016

Objavljeno : 10 December, 2016

On the 5th and 6th of  December 2016 the Conference “Informatics in Public Administration: The digital transformation of public administration – GaaS” took place at Brdo near Kranj.

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500th home system for energy management connected

Objavljeno : 15 September, 2016

In August 2016 500th home system for energy management (HEMS) was connected to the IoT platform

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3 PORT participates in the demonstration project Smart energy

Objavljeno : 3 June, 2016

The German government has set the goal of supplying at least 80 percent of its domestic energy demand with renewable energy by 2050 (Source: Monitoring Report by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, “Die Energie der Zukunft in 2014”: Target for 2020 at least 35%,   Target for 2050 at least 80%).

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INOC Maximo Integration

Objavljeno : 2 November, 2015

Successful integration between Iconics Genesis64 and IBM Maximo Asset Management for the integrated control center iNOC in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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