Common data infrastructure of the 3OIS system
Land cadastre
The Land cadastre application enables the management of land cadastre attribute data. Attribute data on plots are used by several purpose applications (NUSZ, KOPR, etc.).
Basic registers
The application Basic registers is used to import, set and manage uniform code systems (municipalities, settlements, streets, house numbers, central population register (CRP), register of regulations of the Republic of Slovenia (RPS), etc.) adopted on a state level. Basic registers are used by all applications in the OIS system.
Register of buildings
The register of buildings is intended for a uniform management of data on buildings, house entrances (building addresses), parts of buildings (flats and other premises), surface parts, owners and for the management of special features of buildings or their parts. The register is used by some purpose applications.
Register of clients
The register of the municipality’s clients is intended for a uniform management of the municipality’s clients by viewing the current status and displaying the history of changes (of the address, status, last name, etc.). The register is used by ALL applications in the OIS system.