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For a fast application development, for the display of spatially-related data, and for browsing through geocoded and other spatially-related business data we developed our own web data browser – 3MAP.

3MAP is a user-friendly web browser and editor of spatial data which in the background connects spatial data with other data and databases. The results obtained by the user from 3MAP applications are:

  • maps with displayed objects in space,mape/zemljevidi s prikazom objektov v prostoru,
  • tables with attribute data about objects,
  • links to other business data and documents.

3MAP may be used everywhere where we can link business data with geographical space (e.g. via address, plot, etc.). Data may be displayed on different graphic backgrounds (various maps, aerial photographs, road plans, communal installations, etc.) and through them we access other data in our business system (e.g. cases on plots, various documents related to location, spatial planning documents, etc.).

Key characteristics of the 3MAP system are:

  • simple content adjustment to user data,
  • simple integration of data queries,
  • simple use (instructions of use…),
  • possibility of integration with other applications, e.g. as the entry point for data capturing, connection with handhelds, display of the positions of objects in space,
  • a web browser is sufficient for work with the application,
  • the system supports all basic vector graphic formats (ESRI Shapefile, Mapinfo File, Arc/Info Binary Coverage, …) and raster formats (TIFF/GeoTIFF, JPEG JFIF, Arc/Info Grid, ERMapper, MrSID, …).

3MAP was originally developed as a working instrument within the group of “OIS-Municipal information system” applications for an integral computer support to operations of municipal departments in the field of spatial planning. Due to its functionality, modularity, fast upgradability and simple use, 3MAP quickly became an independent web application, a cheap solution for the display of spatially-related data, which to a great extent substitutes expensive licensed GIS tools.

The 3MAP system is based on the MapServer spatial data server and PostgreSQL database.

Some examples of graphic layers:

Note: updating of certain graphic layers takes place automatically, by processing data from documents in the back-office system  (see VOPI).

Building land leases

Building land leases show areas of leased building land/plots owned by the municipality and leased by the municipality to the citizens for a longer period of time.

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Building land rents

Building land rents show building land/plots owned by the municipality and rented by the municipality to the citizens.

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Municipal immovable property

Graphic layers REON – plots and REON – buildings show properties from the register of municipal immovable property. They are intended for providing information support to clerks of immovable property offices in resolving the municipality’s property ownership (plots and buildings or parts of buildings).

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Initiatives – land plan change

Initiatives to change the intended use of landshow plots for which initiatives to change the intended use of land were presented.

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Changes in land

The Land use permit graphic layer shows the areas of plots (one or more) for which applications were submitted to the municipality to obtain:

  • a permit for notified work,
  • a planning permission,
  • a building permit,
  • a use permit; and
  • a single permit for building.

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Public utilities charge

The Public utilities charge graphic layer shows an area of plots (one or more) for which applications to assess the public utility charge were submitted.

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Consents by the municipality

The Consents by the municipality graphic layers show the areas of plots (one or more) for which the municipality or one of its offices has given consents to its citizens (e.g. consents to build, traffic cases, etc.).

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Consents by the GJI admins

The Consents by the GJI administrators graphic layer shows an area of plots (one or more) for which a competent administrator of a utility and governmental service (water supply company, power supply and maintenance company, gas supply company) has given consents that are under its competence (e.g. consent for project solutions). These consents are forwarded to the municipality for information and recorded in the municipality’s office management system.

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Issued location information

The Issued location information graphic layer shows the areas of plots (one or more) for which applications were submitted to the municipality to obtain the following:

  • Certificate on the intended land use;
  • Location information for the construction of buildings or performance of other works on lands or buildings; and
  • Certificate on the intended land use with conditions of land allotment on building land.

Areas and plots are included in the space based on the time of application creation, consequently the issued location information can be monitored even through a determined period of time.

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Plot cases

By clicking on a plot we can view a list of cases in the back-end municipal information system related to the viewed plot.

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Spatial plans and acts

Spatial plans, executive acts, information on intended land use, etc. are displayed on different graphic layers. 3MAP enables queries and searching information and links from the selected plot or area to the searched documents screen or to various supporting applications.

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Coverage analysis

With the 3MAP tools we can display different user data necessary to carry out various analyses and data control.

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