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Project SMIP.EU – a new step for Slovenian IoT platform SMIP

Objavljeno : 22 June, 2017

Slovenian IoT platform SMIP has acquired European funds for the further development of advanced functionalities in the field of energy efficiency management.

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Company 3 PORT, information engineering llc, Koper was selected on the public tender “Strengthening Competencies and Innovation Potentials of Enterprises” published by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investment and Technology (SPIRIT Slovenija) for co-financing the operation “Web platform to control and manage smart devices in order to achieve greater energy efficiency“.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 189,345.15 EUR.

* SMIP logo manjsi ENGProject SMIP.EU - posterWithin the framework of the project, which is being implemented from June 15, 2017 and is expected to be completed by November 5, 2018, we want to carry out a functional and technological upgrade of our SMIP platform with new demanding building blocks at the application level, especially in the fields of Big Data analysis, methods of machine learning, connectivity to other systems (interoperability), connectivity to different devices (protocols), and the development of algorithms for optimum feed-back control of smart devices.

Our goal is primarily to provide support in the field of energy efficiency optimization but with the long term vision of providing application support for demanding projects in different vertical areas of IoT, from Smart cities to Industry 4.0.

Contact person for project implementation information:
M.Sc. Marjan Marušič,
(e-mail:; Telephone: +386 5 611 7000)