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iLOKI – 1000 information about intended land use on average each month

Objavljeno : 24 March, 2011

How many location information documents do you have to issue each month? Would the workload of the municipal office be reduced if citizens immediately received unofficial information from the program?

iLOKI is a web application intended to obtain information about the intended land use.

The service returns the information about the intended land use in the municipality area in real time. The iLOKI application is included on the web portal of the Urban Municipality of Koper among services for citizens; however, it is also used a lot by real-estate agencies and agents. Because the Urban Municipality of Koper also supports the submission of electronic application, the link to the e-application is included also in iLOKI. In this way citizens can upon receiving unofficial information, which in many cases is sufficient as a first information, submit an e-application to obtain an official document with the same data. In the back end system the same program aids employees, preparing for them an entire document, e.g. the Certificate on the intended land use, which is then printed out and authenticated.

This electronic service of the Urban Municipality of Koper for citizens is quite popular and is used regularly; the average number of information transmitted through the portal is little more than 1000 per month in a three year period of time since the introduction of iLOKI in August 2007. Consequently, the office clerks at the Office for the Environment and Space are relieved of workload.


You can find more about iLOKI here…

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iVrtci in 2010

Objavljeno : 26 January, 2011

In 2010 parents carried out on average 3700 informative calculations per month in relation to the reduction of kindergarten fees.

In November 2010, 5691 calculations were carried out with the application iVrtci, the most so far. Since December of this year, there were only 2189 informative calculations performed.

Diagram: monthly amount of informative calculations between January 2008 and January 2011. Maximum was 5691 in November 2010.

Chart: Monthly number of informative calculations between January 2008 and January 2011. Max. is 5691 in November 2010.

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eSO-MREŽA2 project was successfully completed

Objavljeno : 8 October, 2010

These days we completed and presented our work on the development and research project with the acronym eSO-MREZA2.

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We celebrated the 21st anniversary of 3 PORT

Objavljeno : 1 October, 2010

3 PORT is now of age. We celebrated the 21st birthday of the company!


You can read more about the event  in our blog…..

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We attended the GISS symposium

Objavljeno : 29 September, 2010

We attended the 10th jubilee biennial GISS – Geographic information systems in Slovenia 2009-2010 symposium.


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