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(withdrawn from the offer, 2018)

Register of municipal immovable property

reon-splashscreenREON is an application intended for uniform management of the municipal immovable property records.

For initial data establishment and further work with the REON application it is of key importance to establish a reference database (data from GURS/REN in 15 reference tables), as there can be tens of thousands records that have to be reviewed and confirmed. We can help you here.


Data part of the REON application

reon-podatkovni_delThe user here performs data filtering, until all records with the status “Not reviewed” are reviewed and organized and given the status “Reviewed” or “History record”.

REON supports different methods of record subset selection by filtering them according to their resolution status. Also, it enables exporting records selected by the filter into spreadsheets or sends data back to the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (GURS).

reon_detajlFor an easier and more systematic work, REON is organized in two fields:

  • REOP subset – municipal land plots
  • REOS subset – municipal building parts





Graphical part of the REON application

reon-graficni_delIt is a powerful tool for a faster, visual review and data filtering by individual fields. The GIS viewer 3MAP displays all properties from the REON register of municipal immovable property. The displayed properties are marked according to their current resolution status. We can find properties that interest us by criteria or we can obtain information about a property by clicking on it.
By clicking on a selected property in the graphic (plot, building), we directly open the application for the management of data on the selected property.The record status changes are immediately visible also in the graphic. In the spatial data viewer 3MAP you can find also history data in layers  such as:

  • land plot history,
  • register of buildings history,
  • digital orthophotos history …



Other applications

iss_drevoThe following applications are available for a comprehensive management of individual groups of municipal immovable properties:





Do you have problems with any of the above?

Call or write us …