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Land e-registry prototype

Project ZEKA – Land e-registry prototype


Page from the land registry

The project ZEKA – prototype of Land e-registry (SLO: Zemljiška Knjiga) was initialized in 1991 on the basis of a decision of the Social Development Institute of the Municipality of Koper to participate in implementation of the project that would define the possibilities of computer support in the field of recording legal relations between immovable properties in the land registry.  A project group was constituted to implement the project, formed by experts:

  • Basic courts of Koper;
  • Coastal surveying and mapping authorities;
  • Social Development Institutes of the Municipality of Koper;
  • 3 PORT, information engineering, as the expert project developer.

The aim of the land registry computer supported system is to enable:

  • the best computer support possible for operational procedures in the land registry within the framework of the existing legislation and regulations,
  • data openness and connectivity with surrounding systems (land cadastre, central register of population, register of companies, register of territorial units and house numbers, etc.),
  • interactive access to land registry data from all cities, wherever necessary,
  • elimination of double procedures of maintaining technical data on plots and establishment of a synchronous operation of the land registry and land cadastre.

The following was developed:

  • Computer support to land registry operation procedures;
  • Support to E-book procedure management – waiting for a definition by the cadastre of buildings system.


The application enabled:

  • Accepting land registry applications;
  • Formalization procedure of land registration records;
  • Decision of the land registry judge and issue of the decision;
  • Closing land registry cases (land registration and decision withdrawal);
  • Support to auxiliary processes;
  • Various views of data which are also the basis for all document printouts.
Land registry books

Land registry books

The project for the development of the ZEKA prototype was successfully completed with the system test phase and the test use at the Court of Koper. Detailed information was personally presented to the Minister and the entire project documentation was submitted to the Ministry of Justice for consideration. Different commissions (the Government Centre for Informatics Commission, the Ministry of Justice Commission) were established to evaluate the project, all giving positive assessments. On 6 December 1993, at the closing meeting of the commission at the Ministry of Justice it was unanimously decided that the ZEKA prototype was to become a nationwide project and a purchase of the project was to take place, however, this never happened. With the replacement of the Minister the ZEKA project died down (but the project documentation was never returned) …
