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3MAP applications

3MAP applications are web applications the content of which is directly or indirectly related to the GIS field. The applications can operate independently, without 3MAP, or in connection with it – which is also more effective.

Usually, they are internal municipal registers which can be connected to 3MAP or individual graphic layers in the 3MAP system through data, such as plot, building, act, client, etc.

Where can they be used?

In resolving a certain spatial matter or procedure (e.g. issue of a location information) the office clerk can use only a 3MAP spatial viewer. Since data are shown in the form of graphic layers, placed in a space, work in it (moving among objects, such as plot, building, construction, plot borders, etc.) can be much more practical, intuitive, thorough, manageable and clear.

When we wish to view a detail or modify data of a selected object each individual 3MAP module proves to be a very efficient addition to the 3MAP tool.

After clicking on the selected object in 3MAP we are transferred to the selected object/record in the register, where we can continue with our work. After finishing our work we can easily switch to the previous window – that is in 3MAP to the information/layer on which we previously worked.

With such an approach to work the office clerk’s work is significantly facilitated. Working procedures can be carried out in a shorter time and with greater precision.

Location information

The 3MAP GIS viewer module is a tool for the creation of:

  • Location information for the construction of buildings or performance of other works on lands or buildings; and
  • Certificates on the intended land use.

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Public utilities charge

The independent eKOPR back-end application is intended for electronic support for the creation of the Decision on the public utilities charge issued by the municipal administration.

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Register of spatial projects

The web application REPR is intended for managing the catalogue of legal regimes. The catalogue contains spatial acts which are in force in a certain area (e.g. municipalities). It is kept up to the establishment of a central publicly accessible catalogue in accordance with the Rules on the Content and Method of Keeping the Catalogue of Spatial Legal Regimes (Official Gazette of RS, No.34/2004, 8 April 2005).

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Register of initiatives

The application in the 3MAP viewer is an accessory for managing the Register of received initiatives to change the intended use of land. The register is automatically complemented daily with new initiatives that the reception office records on a daily basis in the back-end system of the VOPI office management system.

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Repository of spatial projects

20101102_3PORT_skeniranje_dokumentov_001Digital repository of spatial documentation

The DAPA web application is intended for viewing digitalized spatial acts and graphic supplements saved in a file system. It enables simple viewing, copying and forwarding project documentation which is otherwise kept in many binders and folders.

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Illegal waste dumps

DIVO is a 3MAP/GIS application for managing the cadastre of illegal waste dumping sites in the municipality, recording and monitoring the rehabilitation procedure.

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